Dr. Anil Kumar Mulpur, Vice President Narayana Hryudayalaya in an exclusive on World Heart Day. We started celebrating World Heart day at the start of this millennium in the year 2000(26th September every year). We are into an advent of whole millennium of heart disease. The leading causes of death are the congenital & coronary heart diseases. Heart diseases are the leading cause of loss of productive years. Some of these diseases have preventable aspects. In coronary heart disease you have modifiable risk factors. Smoking, Drinking& sedentary lifestyle habits can be avoided. As part of World Heart Day 2010 Narayana Hryudayalaya has come out with the programme called Karuna Hrudayam keeping in tune with our motto caring with compassion. We are offering a coronary angiogram for a price of Rs 4,500/- all inclusive for a period of 1 month.
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