Kanokporn Choitpal, Director, The Board of Investment of Thailand (BOI), Seminar on Business Opportunities in Thailand, Taj Banjara, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. Thailand is a good destination for investment. Thailand is an easy living place and occupies the fourth easiest place in Asia to do business. Thailand has been recognized as the best country by HSBC. Thailand also offers world class infrastructures & it acts to be the most attractive destination spot. Thailand also offered cost-effective co-operation (30%-23%). India & Thailand are maintaining a strong relationship in most of the sectors. For the investors many incentives are provided. Thailand also detached import duty exemption on machinery & raw materials. Deduction was also done on utility costs, infrastructures etc. BOI thus plays a vital role in all the major sectors.
Kanokporn Choitpal, Director, The Board of Investment of Thailand (BOI), Seminar on Business Opportunities in Thailand, Taj Banjara, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. Thailand is a good destination for investment. Thailand is an easy living place and occupies the fourth easiest place in Asia to do business. Thailand has been recognized as the best country by HSBC. Thailand also offers world class infrastructures & it acts to be the most attractive destination spot. Thailand also offered cost-effective co-operation (30%-23%). India & Thailand are maintaining a strong relationship in most of the sectors. For the investors many incentives are provided. Thailand also detached import duty exemption on machinery & raw materials. Deduction was also done on utility costs, infrastructures etc. BOI thus plays a vital role in all the major sectors.
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