Asin Thottumkal, Reigning Actress, Fair & Lovely Expert Express, Park Hyatt, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. Fair & Lovely Expert Express will tours Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar till 25th July, 2012 will give women expert skin care advice. Fair & Lovely Expert Express is a customized luxury bus that comprise of a specialized skin analysis zone, personalized consultation zone, fairness treatment zone where in beauty advisers will offer personalized advice and solutions. As a part of the process, women will sign up for a skin analyzer test on completion of which their fairness report cars along with their customized skin care regime would be given to them. I have been a proud user of Fair & Lovely for years and am delighted to be associated with this brand. This cream targets darkness causing problems on the face such as spots, dark-circles, sun-tan, dullness & dark skin giving flawless cosmetic treatment like fairness every day.
Asin Thottumkal, Reigning Actress, Fair & Lovely Expert Express, Park Hyatt, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. Fair & Lovely Expert Express will tours Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar till 25th July, 2012 will give women expert skin care advice. Fair & Lovely Expert Express is a customized luxury bus that comprise of a specialized skin analysis zone, personalized consultation zone, fairness treatment zone where in beauty advisers will offer personalized advice and solutions. As a part of the process, women will sign up for a skin analyzer test on completion of which their fairness report cars along with their customized skin care regime would be given to them. I have been a proud user of Fair & Lovely for years and am delighted to be associated with this brand. This cream targets darkness causing problems on the face such as spots, dark-circles, sun-tan, dullness & dark skin giving flawless cosmetic treatment like fairness every day.
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