L&T Metro Rail (Hyderabad) Limited, Uppal, Hyderabad, Andhra
Pradesh. This is a segmental type of bridge construction which is
predominant in almost all European countries. The Hyderabad Metro Rail
Project is also one of those type of projects where in the latest
technology of construction is being adopted by using Pre-cast techniques
and erection of these pre-cast elements with the help of economically
designed launching tackles. Since the project length is huge to the
tune of around 72 Kms, the alignment of which runs across most of the
busiest and crowded junctions, the concessionaire had envisaged two
places for casting of the pre-cast elements and identified them with the
help & Support of AP Government, one at Uppal & other at
Balanagar. The finished segment is then lifted from the casting bed
with the help of a 70 tonne capacity gantry crane and placed in the
stacking bed. After the segments are casted and cured in the pre-cast
yard, they will be taken to the erection on a hydraulically operated
special type of trailers and taken into the launching girder.

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