Ponnala Lakshmaiah, Minister for Information and Technology,
Secretariat, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh.There is a plan to connect all
the 2.5 lakhs Gram Panchayats in the country through optical fiber
utilizing existing fibers of PSUs and laying incremental fiber to
connect to the Gram Panchayats. The broadband connectivity will be
available to Gram Panchayats for various applications like e-Health,
e-Education and e-Governance. The network is proposes to be completed in
two years time. The project will be funded by Universal Service
Obligation Fund with a project outlay of Rs 20,000 crs. The project will
be executed by a Special Purpose Vehicle, Bharat Broadband Network
Limited, a company under the companies Act, being incorporated for this
purpose.In AP about 25,000 Gram Panchayats will be connected with
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